Monday, 26 March 2012

How our rough cut feedback helped us

Our feedback from our rough cut improved the making of our final production in many ways.
By our audience noticing our editing techniques and smooth camera work for example the zoom into the main characters face, we know that we edited and filmed it well as we received positive feedback. We also got positive feedback on our location choice which we wanted, so that we know that people understand what is happening in our opening sequence. We used the constructive feedback, such as some of the cuts between different scenes affecting the continuity, and so we went back and edited it by adding things such as transitions to make it run smoothly. Our audience said that our lighting was the same throughout which added to the realism and made the filming smoother as it looks as if we filmed it all on the same day.

We've learnt from producing this opening sequence that next time we film and edit we will make sure that we have plenty of time so that we can make the continuity and camera shots flow and work the best it can be. We would focus more on the positioning of the camera and the characters to make sure it looks the same from the audiences perspective.

Getting feedback from our target audience has made us confident and happy with the making of our final opening sequence production!

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